Promised land revival is “sort of a blues” band out of the Bucks County, PA area right outside of Philadelphia and Trenton, NJ.  PLR brings an original mix of songs along with some choice covers drawing influences from blues, bluegrass, rock and roll, R & B and everything in between that is sure to get your feet moving and speak to you soul.

Comprised of Thomas “The Viking” Giordano (guitar), Karl “Jawbone” Ackermann (bass), Matthew “The Bear” Reinbold (Keys) and Mark “The Machete” Mullen (drums).  Led by the spiritual guidance of late founding members  Harry “The Nasty Shepherd” Giordano and Ryan “The Pirate” Killough.

PLR was formed in the early 2000s by the Nasty Shepherd who laid the foundation of the group by building an extensive repertoire of original songs that pertain to the struggles and successes of life. During this time he was joined by Jawbone on bass and together they were accompanied by a rotating line up of drummers and rhythm guitar players until 2003 when the Viking was brought in on guitar to embellish on the extensive repertoire that was being developed.  For the years that followed, a search for the perfect drummer would end in 2010 and the full original line up was formed when the Pirate assumed his rightful place on the drums.  In 2015 PLR suffered a traumatic loss with the passing of The Nasty Shepherd creating a black hole in the band that caused a hiatus until 2019.  In 2019 the skies brought a new dawn for the band and PLR reformed as a power trio to continue the Shepherd’s original vision of sharing peace, love, strength and unity through music.  Then in 2020 the planets would align once again as the band’s core members would be fulfilled with the addition of the Bear on keys and organ.  He brought along a whole new arsenal of soulful songs and added a new dimension to their sound that they have been searching for for so long.  PLR’s brotherhood was complete until yet again they suffered another devastating blow with the passing of the Pirate in 2022.  Within the darkness of his departure he made sure to illuminate the band’s future with a blazing torch that he passed onto long time friend and brother, the Machete, to take over the throne mending yet another broken link in the chain.  The Promised Land Revival has slowly evolved into something more than just a band, but a place of perseverance and strength like the mighty oak tree that sits afoot the entrance to the Shepherd Studios.  For all those involved, together, we can make it to the Promised Land.